Friday, 5 October 2012

Glory Garden 05.10.12

I got my garden planted pretty nicely over the last week. It's not my dream garden by any stretch as it is confined to a tiny courtyard and a deck. But I am pretty happy with my effort all the same. I have planted out various pots with a range of fragrant beauties including Gardenias (my favourite garden flower), Sweet Pea's, Allysum and Lavender. There is also a Dwarf Kaffir Lime tree, Blueberries and herbs to satisy (in the smallest amount) my self sufficent garden dreams.
Oh and there are some White Geranium cuttings from Nana Rose's garden that I have poked into some window baskets on my deck. I'm dreaming of the day that they are in all their glory and luciously tumbling down out of the baskets.
No pictures at this stage, so here is some visual inspiration from my 'Somewhere to Garden' board on Pinterest. You can check out the board here.

Garden styling at it best.

Self sufficent glory.

Sweet Pea's on an Obleisk (I have mine doing the same up a wrought iron one).

Dreamy Potager

Thyme in a vintage can (Nice way to upcycle).

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